
1854年波罗的海之战的重要历史价值——基于法国国家档案馆与外交部档案馆所藏档案的探讨 被引量:2

On the Historical Significance of the Baltic War in 1854
摘要 19世纪中期,发生了一场欧洲范围的巨大冲突,引发了欧洲北部至中近东的广大地域的战事。人们比较熟悉克里木战争,但是几乎不了解1854年波罗的海战争。实际上,1854年的波罗的海战争也是这一场大冲突的重要组成部分,它直接地表明:法英两国为了谋求欧洲的优势,曾以军事力量直逼俄罗斯帝国的心脏。无疑,波罗的海战争严重地打击了这个帝国的军事威望与国际声誉。因此,必须加强对于1854年波罗的海战争的研究,才能深刻认识当时欧洲列强法英与俄罗斯之间的大冲突的实际状况与真正意义。 The great conflict happened in the mid of 19th century influenced all the European countries and caused the battles in northern, central and eastern Europe. Among all those bat- tles, the Crimean War is well-known while the Baltic War in 1854 is comparatively unknown. In fact, the Baltic War in 1854 is the significant component of that great conflict. It demonstrates that France and Great Britain, in order to gain the advantage in Europe, has once threat the cen- tral part of the Russian Empire with military force. Undoubtedly, the Baltic War in 1854 cracked down severely the military prestige and international reputation of the Russian Empire. Thus, more research should be carried out on the Baltic War in 1854. Only in this way can the conflict between European countries and Russia be fully understood.
作者 郭华榕
机构地区 北京大学历史系
出处 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期153-161,共9页 Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 波罗的海 法英联合舰队 法国远征军 克朗施塔德 博马宋德要塞 the Baltic Sea the French-British combined fleet the French expeditionary ar-my Cronstadt Bo MaSongDe fortress
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  • 1.《马克思恩格斯选集》第1卷[M].人民出版社,1972年版.第362页.
  • 2Pierre de la Gorce. NapoldonⅢ et sa politique. Paris:1933. p. 73.
  • 3Archives du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres de la France. Correspondance politique. Russie. 1851-1854. 1852, No207: 13,p. 192;NQ209:29,pp. 66-76. 1852-1855,NQ693:19,pp. 135;No693:20,pp. 138;No693:22,pp. 144.
  • 4Ibid. Correspondance politique. Russie. No209 : 105, p. 82 ; No209 : 4, p. 120 ; NQ209:44, pp. 168-172.
  • 5Ibid. Memoires et Documents. France. Affaire d'Orient. 1852-1856. t. 2116,No33,pp. 222;No70,pp. 271 ;No88,pp. 291 --292.
  • 6Ibid. Correspondance polltique. Russie. NQ211:109,p. 122. Memoires et Documents. France. Affaire d'Orient. 1852-1856. t. 2116,No55,p. 245;NQ207:ll,pp. 166-167.
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  • 9Ibid. France. Affaire d'Orient. 1852-1856. t. 2116, No61, p. 251-252.
  • 10Ibid. Memoires et Documents. France. Affaires d'Orient. 1852-1856. t. 2116,No70,pp. 271.



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