贫油预混预蒸发(LPP)技术是目前最具发展前景的低污染燃烧技术,可实现很低的NOX排放。本文采用FLU ENT软件,对一种模型低污染燃烧室(采用LPP燃烧技术)进行三维两相数值模拟计算分析,研究了模型燃烧室的流场结构、流量分配、回流特性、雾化特性和燃烧性能,并对NOX排放进行了预测。结果表明,模型燃烧室流场中存在与TAPS燃烧室相似的三个涡结构,流量分配与试验吻合良好,雾化特性良好并具有较好的温度场和低的NOX排放。
The Lean Premixed Prevaporized (LPP) technology is the most promising low emission technolo- gy in aero-engine combustor design, which makes the emission level of pollutant NOx very low. Three-di- mensional non-reactive and reactive flow in a LPP model combustor was studied numerically by using FLU- ENT software, involving the structure of recirculation zone, characteristics of recirculation flow and atomiza- tion, performances of combustion and NOx emission forecast. The results indicated that recirculation zone had three vortexes as the same as TAPS combustor, mass-flow distribution agreed well with experimental data, the performances of atomization and combustion were fine, and the emission level of pollutant NOx was low.
Gas Turbine Experiment and Research