
蛋白质相互作用研究的常用方法进展及比较 被引量:7

The advance and comparison in common research methods for protein-protein interactions
摘要 如今蛋白质间的相互作用已成为生命科学领域研究的重点,而各种蛋白质间相互作用的研究方法的飞速发展成为蛋白质研究的重点。本综述中将着眼于酵母双杂交方法新进发展与Sos系统、噬菌体展示、GST-pull down、免疫共沉淀、串联亲和纯化等蛋白质相互作用研究方法做一比较分析。以便在未来的研究中,根据不同方法的优缺点选择合适的研究技术。 Protein-orotein interaction has become a significant subject in life science research. With the rapid development, there are various research approaches have created for studies of protein-protein interaction. This review will make comparisons between the^yeast two-hybrid, Sos, co-immunoprecipitation, GST pull-down, phage display, tandem affinity purification which are all the methods for this research. After that, it will analyze their own application characteristics. Fi- nally, this review will discuss how to choose a suitable approach in different protein-protein interaction research based on different aims and requirements.
作者 涂占晗 林旭
出处 《中国当代医药》 2012年第14期18-20,共3页 China Modern Medicine
关键词 酵母双杂交 Sos系统 噬菌体展示 GST pull-down 免疫共沉淀 串联亲和纯化 Yeast two-hybrid Sos Phage display GST pull-down Co-immunoprecipitation Tandem affinity purification
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