
露地和日光温室甜樱桃花芽发育特征及胚珠多糖定位观察 被引量:20

Observation of the development characteristics of floral bud and localization of polysaccharides in the ovule of sweet cherry in field and greenhouse
摘要 通过观察‘早红宝石’从萌动期至谢花期的花芽发育特征及胚珠多糖定位,进一步探讨高温造成甜樱桃胚囊败育原因。结果表明,在同一物候期,露地、温室、破眠剂处理的花芽发育特征及胚珠淀粉粒定位一致;在同一物候期,温室‘早红宝石’胚珠淀粉粒数量多于露地和破眠剂处理的,分布区域也大于后两者;破眠剂处理的花后2 d胚珠淀粉粒数量多于对照,分布区域也增加。分析认为,温度是决定甜樱桃花芽发育进程、胚珠多糖数量及分布的重要因素。高温加速花芽发育,却抑制胚珠多糖水解,难以满足胚珠、胚囊快速发育对碳水化合物的需求,最终胚囊败育。破眠剂可提早花芽发育进程,有效提高胚囊发育质量,其生物学效应类似于某种高温逆境逃避机制。 Embryo sac abortion of sweet cherry induced by high temperature was discussed with the evidence of development characteristics of floral bud and localization of polysaccharides in the ovule of cultivat ' Zaohongbaoshi' from the phase of bud swollening to the phase of post bloom. The resuhs showed that bud development characteristics and localization of starch grains in the ovule of sweet cherry grown in field, greenhouse, or sprayed with reagent for dormancy release was similar in the same phenological pe- riod, and the amount and distribution of starch grains in the ovule of 'Zaohongbaoshi' in greenhouse was larger and wider than that in field respectively in the same phenological period, and the amount and dis- tribution of starch grains in the ovule of 'Zaohonghaoshi' treated with the reagent for dormancy release (Two days after anthesis) were larger and wider compared with control in the same phenological period. It was indicated that the ambient temperature was an important factor which determined developmental progress of floral bud, the amount and distribution of ovulary polysaccharides. It was suggested that high temperature could be an inhibitor of polysaccharides hydrolyzation, but accelerate the development of floral bud, and that the difficient hydrolytic carbohydrate supply for quick development ot ovule anu embryo sac ultimately induced the embryo sac abortion. It was assumed that the biological effect of reagent for dormancy release could result from the mechanism of high temperature stress avoidance by advancing the progression of floral bud development and improving the developmental quality of embryo sac.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期466-470,I0001,I0002,共7页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 中国农业科学院果树生长发育与品质控制重点开放实验室项目(PP333KF20090101) 国家外专局引智项目(Y20110326004)
关键词 甜樱桃(Prunus aviumL.) 花芽 胚珠 发育 多糖定位 Sweet cherry Floral bud Ovule Development Localization of polysaccharide
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