

Approximate Model Based System-Level Optimization of a y-Axis Gyro
摘要 提出一种基于近似模型的MEMS系统级优化方法,给出具体实现流程,并结合一个y轴微机械陀螺进行优化。该方法解决了如何得到近似优化目标函数表达式的关键问题。所得的y轴微机械陀螺优化参数,使得陀螺驱动模态谐振频率fx和检测模态谐振频率fz分别为3 074 Hz和2 998 Hz,两者之间相差7 6 Hz,较好的实现了模态匹配,且都在3 000 Hz的设计要求附近,约束条件也得到了满足。该优化方法为在MEMS设计中快速获得系统级优化方案提供较好参考。 Approximate model was used for MEMS system-level optimization. The implementation frameworks was also built. The optimization method solved the problem how to get an accurate expression of objective function, and how to get the objective function value of each search point effectively. The method was demonstrated by a y-axis gyro ,with the optimized parameters, the gyro gets frequency of 3074Hz and 2998Hz in drive and detection mode respectively, the optimization objective was satisfied.
作者 吕湘连 何洋
出处 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期329-332,共4页 Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators
基金 西北工业大学基础研究基金项目(JC201113)
关键词 MEMS 系统级 近似模型 优化 微机械陀螺 MEMS system-level approximate model optimization y-axis gyro
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