
客户知识管理—概念与量表开发 被引量:2

Customer Knowledge Management:Concept and Scale Development
摘要 通过文献分析,将客户知识管理的定义划分为三类。从客户知识管理的概念和客户知识活动的特性入手,以文献研究和已有相关问卷、量表为基础,结合半结构化问卷和人员访谈所获得的资料,编制客户知识管理量表。研究结果表明,客户知识管理具有多维度结构,其量表的开发具有较好的可信度和可靠性,客户知识管理包括五个维度,即客户知识获取、客户知识整合、客户知识共享、客户知识使用和客户知识创新。本文对概念的界定以及量表的开发可以为企业进行客户知识管理提供参考和借鉴。 Study from the literature review, the concept of customer knowledge management can be divided into three categories. Based on the concept of customer knowledge management, the charac- teristics of customer knowledge activities, the materials obtained from the semi-construct questionnaire and interview with the employees in the organizations, the research develops a multi-dimensional scale of customer knowledge management. The exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis are performed. The results show that the five factors extracted fit well with the concept model. The customer knowledge management scale consists of five dimensions: acquisition, integration, sharing, application and innovation. Finally The reliability and validity of the scale are verified.
出处 《数理统计与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期471-483,共13页 Journal of Applied Statistics and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号:70431001) 高等学校博士学科点专向科研基金(编号:2005141022)
关键词 客户知识管理 客户知识活动 内部结构 概念 量表开发 customer knowledge management, customer knowledge activity, internal structure, defini-tion, scale development
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