
基于二维相关中红外光谱技术的无创血糖检测特异性研究 被引量:4

Study on Specificity of Noninvasive Glucose Measurements Based on Two-Dimensional Correlation Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy
摘要 葡萄糖的特异性是实现血糖浓度检测的前提,也是论证一种血糖检测方法可行性的基础。二维相关光谱技术以其高分辨率和便捷的时序规则(Noda规则)两大优势被广泛地应用在分子间(内)反应、物质相变以及物质信息提取等研究领域。旨在应用二维相关光谱技术验证中红外光谱法无创血糖检测技术的葡萄糖特异性,首先通过分析各种离体溶液样本的二维相关光谱证明方法的理论可行性,然后开展了人体手指的中红外ATR光谱采集实验,参考OGTT方法调节实验过程中人体的血糖水平,并运用二维相关光谱技术验证所得人体光谱中的葡萄糖特征信息,从而论证中红外光谱无创血糖检测技术的可行性。 Glucose specificity is the premise of spectroscopic measurements of blood glucose concentration,and it is also paramount for feasibility study of a spectral measurement method.Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy technology is widely used in many fields such as inter-/intra-molecular reaction,material phase transition and information extraction because of its high resolution and effective Noda's rule.In the present paper,the glucose specificity for noninvasive glucose measurements by mid-infrared spectra based on the 2D correlation spectroscopy was investigated.First,the feasibility of this method was validated by a series of in vitro experiments of glucose.Then the in vivo experiments of four volunteers were conducted and the characteristic information of glucose by mid-infrared spectra collected from human fingers was confirmed by 2D correlation spectroscopy analysis.
出处 《光谱学与光谱分析》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1507-1511,共5页 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60938002 30900275) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20090032120064)资助
关键词 无创 中红外 葡萄糖 特异性 二维相关光谱 Noninvasive Mid-infrared Glucose Specificity 2D correlation spectroscopy
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