
水溶性聚合材料对土壤生物的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Water-soluble Composites on Soil Biota
摘要 缓/控释肥料研制和应用已成为提高肥料利用率和降低环境污染风险的重要途径。通过田间小区试验,研究了5种具有代表性的缓释肥料包膜材料纳米-亚微米级水溶性聚合物,即纳米级聚乙烯醇混聚物(CF2)、纳米-亚微米级高岭土-聚酯混聚物(N-KL)、纳米-亚微米级腐植酸混聚物(N-FZ)、纳米-亚微米级丙烯酸酯类混聚物(N-BX)、纳米-亚微米级聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料混聚物(N-PS),在降解释放过程中对土壤主要微生物、主要功能群以及具有代表性土壤动物群落影响。结果表明,不同水溶物聚合物对土壤生物的影响不同,与CK相比,5种水溶性聚合材料处理后细菌、放线菌、氨化细菌、硝化细菌、纤维分解菌种群数量分别增加1.08~2.34倍、0.37~0.96倍、0.3~2.17倍、0.52~1.15倍、0.03~2.45倍,其中腐植酸混聚物处理增加量最大;对真菌、固氮菌种群数量影响不大;对反硝化细菌种群数量有减少的趋势。5种水溶性聚合材料处理对土壤动物的线虫动物门、蜱螨目个体数分别增加15.16%~52.98%、12.33%~200%,其中腐植酸混聚物处理增加数量最多。 Application of slow/controlled release fertilizer is an efficient way to increase fertilizer use efficiency and decrease risk of environmental pollution. Five typical water-soluble composites as coating agent for slow-release fertilizer were prepared to study their effect on soil microbe, microbial function groups and soil animals in the field, which were named nanometer sized polyvinyl alcohol composite (CF2), nanometer-sub micrometer sized porcelain-polyester composite (N-KL), nanometer-sub micrometer sized humic acid composite( N-FZ ), nanometer-sub micrometer sized acrylate composite(N-BX), and nanometer-sub micrometer sized polystyrene foam plastic. The results showed for all five composites of bacteria, actinomyees, ammonibaeteria, ammonifying bacteria, and cellulolytic bacteria, the quantities were increased as 1.08-2.34, 0.37-0.96, 0.3-2.17, 0.52- 1.15, 0.03-2.45 times respectively, comparing with CK, with N-FZ treatment the highest. While all five composites had no significant effect on the quantities of fungi and azotobacter, the quantity of denitrifying bacteria was de- creased for those five composites. The soil animal numbers of nematode and acarina were increased as 15.07%-52.92% and 12.33%-200% respectively for the five composites, with N-FZ treatment the most. In conclusion, all five composites had similar effects on soil organisms except different degree.
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期984-988,共5页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21107139) 科研院所技术开发研究专项资金"新型土壤改良功能材料研发与应用示范" 国家科技支撑计划(2012BAC03B06) 环保公益性行业专项(200909005)
关键词 水溶性聚合材料 土壤生物 影响 water-soluble composites soil organisms effect
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