在无线网格网(Wireless Mesh Network,WMN)节点通过一跳或者多跳连接到网关,网关为节点用户提供接入Internet的入口,如何构建合理并且高效的拓扑结构是提高整个无线mesh性能的关键因素。结合布尔变量来描述WMN节点数据传输无回路,节点到网关的总跳数最少,数据流量符合节点与网关的承载能力这些问题使网络拓扑达到需求,验证利用邻接矩阵来确定网关节点,通过Network Simulator Version2(NS2)验证了满足上述问题的拓扑结构相对最优。
In the Wireless Mesh Network(WMN), nodes are connected to gateway by one hop or multiple hops, while providing the Internet access for users. The key points of improving performance of wireless mesh topology are how to construct a reasonable and efficient topology. How to avert data transmission circuit, minimize the total number of hops to the gateway, and make data flow not more than the capability load of nodes and gateway by Boolean variables are described. The Adjacency matrix is used to determine the gateway nodes, and the topology of meeting these issues is verified relative optimum by Network Simulator Version2(NS2).
Computer Engineering and Applications