

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of an Zigzag Chain Coordination Polymer
摘要 通过金属盐和1,1'-(1,4-丁基)二咪唑(L)进行自组装得到了一个新颖的配合物[ZnLCl2],并进行了该配体的晶体结构测定。在该化合物中,每个锌离子与两个氯离子和来自L的两个氮原子配位。L桥连两个锌离子,形成Z字形链状结构。 A new coordination polymer [ ZnLCI2 ] was obatained from self - assembly of the corresponding met- al salt with 1,1' - ( 1,4 - butanediyl) bis (imidazole) (L) and its structure was determined by X - ray diffraction method. In the complex, each zinc ion is coordinated to two nitrogen atoms from two molecules of L, and to two chlorine ions. Each L molecule is coordinated to two zinc ions, acting as a bridging ligand . The bridged zinc ions form an zigzag chain structure.
作者 公维洁
出处 《琼州学院学报》 2012年第2期8-10,共3页 Journal of Qiongzhou University
关键词 1 1'-(1 4-丁基)二咪唑 自组装 配合物 1,1' - ( 1,4 - butanediyl) bis (imidazole) self - assembly coordination polymer
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