
当代中国法治话语体系的构建 被引量:135

Construction of Chinese Discourse System of Rule of Law
摘要 近十余年来,社会各方面对中国法治的应有形态及理想图景认识出现了一定分歧。形成这种分歧的实质原因是,在"什么是法治"的问题上,人们更多地受到西方自由主义法治理论的影响。自由主义法治理论所建构的法治模式以及所描绘的法治的某些特征,一定程度上已成为人们对于法治的深刻记忆,并成为认知和评判我国法治现实的依据。为此,应当在充分揭示和深刻认知自由主义法治理论乖谬的基础上,加强我国法治意识形态的自主化建设,以社会主义法治理念为基础构建中国特色法治话语体系。在此过程中,应注重社会主义法治理念与法学传统理论及知识谱系的对接,把社会主义法治理念转化或体现为具体的法律思想、法学理论、法律原理、法律文化、法律知识以及法律思维,藉以确立社会主义法治理念作为我国法治的"元理论"和"元知识"的权威地位。 A rather confusing situation has been witnessed in the Chinese ideology of the rule of law in these years. In all the relevant social aspects, different ideas have been put forward in con- nection with the proper form of the Chinese style rule of law and the comprehension of the ideal visions of such form. With regard to the question as to what the rule of law is, people are more inclined to cognize and accept the Western influences of the liberal doctrines of the rule of law in- stitution, and the rule of law pattern based upon such doctrines, together with the features as de- picted by such doctrines, have become, to a certain degree, the profound memories about what rule of law simply means, which have become the criteria whereby the Chinese rule of law in real- ity is perceived and judged. Therefore, upon a sound analysis and profound perception of the flaws of the liberal doctrines of the Western style rule of law, efforts need to be made to enhance the autonomous construction of the Chinese style ideoiogy of rule of law, i. e. , to construct the Chinese style rule of law on the basis of the socialist legal ideology. In this process, attention needs to be paid to achieve the har- mony among the socialist legal ideology, traditional jurisprudences and knowledge system. Efforts also need to be made to transform the socialist legal ideology into concrete legal thoughts, legal theories, legal doctrines, legal culture, legal knowledge and the pattern of legal thinking in order that the prestigious status of the Chinese style rule of law may be established upon the socialist le- gal ideology. Meanwhile, more theoretical and knowledge support is to be given to the socialist le- gal ideology. Probing researches have been made in this thesis upon the main aspects of the con- struction of the Chinese discourse system of rule of law and the contributions still need to be made by the Chinese legal academy in this process.
作者 顾培东
机构地区 四川大学法学院
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期3-23,共21页 Chinese Journal of Law
关键词 法治意识形态 社会主义法治理念 法治话语体系 法学理论 legal ideology, socialist legal ideology on the rule of law, discourse system of rule of law, legal theory
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