
当代拉丁美洲小说发展趋势与嬗变——从“文学爆炸”到“爆炸后文学” 被引量:4

The Development and the Changes of Modern Latin American Novel
摘要 20世纪60年代在拉丁美洲叙事文学领域发生了一个史无前例的、震惊世界的、非凡的文学发展时期,史称"文学爆炸"时期。70年代以来,拉美叙事文学的作家队伍更迭变化,老作家屡有新作,新作家突破传统,女作家打破禁忌,以全新的视野、革新的态势对"文学爆炸"发起挑战。拉美大陆小说创作呈现一种百花齐放、百家争鸣的多元化及多样性的特点。新一代作家或独树一帜、或独辟蹊径,创作成果斐然;实证体小说、新历史小说、侦探小说等流派或亚流派得到长足发展,确立了巩固的文学地位。 There occurred in the 1960s in the development of Latin American narrative literature an unprecedented,world-astonishing and extraordinary period,known as 'Literature Boom'.Since the 1970s,the 'Literature Boom' faces the challenge from the new changes with the old writers coming up with new works frequently,the new writers getting beyond the conventional wisdom and women writers breaking taboos.With a revolutionary attitude,they challenge the 'Literature Boom' from new perspectives.Novel creation takes on the characteristics of diversification.Either unique or ingenious,the schools or sub-schools of empirical novels,neo-historical novels and detective stories develop rapidly and their positions are established in the world of letters.
作者 郑书九
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期41-52,157-158,共12页 Foreign Literature
基金 国家社科基金资助项目"当代外国文学纪事丛书:1980-2000"(06AWW001)
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