
后苏联俄罗斯文学发展和俄联邦政治进程 被引量:1

The Post-Soviet Russian Literature and the Politics of Russian Federation
摘要 苏维埃时代,文学在一整套意识形态机制下成为政治的延伸。但是,审美活动的政治化,并未成就国民普遍认同超级国家的苏联。随着后苏联时期的到来,政治经意识形态手段干预文学的机制迅速废除;后苏联文学活动,被置于新闻出版法下的文化产业结构中。此举不意味着文学和政治从此无关,而是文学和政治的关系与苏联时代大相径庭:政治家只能通过个人的政治行为或经济手段,在一定程度上影响具体的文学活动,文学家只能以个人身份参与政治,且其政治行为和文学活动无直接关联。废除新闻报刊审查制度的政治行为和新闻出版法的法律行为,从根本上保证了政治之于文学只能是叙述内容,而非指导思想,从而使后苏联文学与苏联文学得以区分。本文通过还原历史细节,而非理论讨论的方式,揭示后苏联文学和政治之复杂关系的具体情形。 In the Soviet era,Russian literature became an extension of politics under the control of ideology.However,such politicization of the aesthetic activity didn't make the Soviet citizens identify with the Soviet Union as a super state.With the approaching of the post-Soviet,censorship on literature was abolished.In the post-Soviet Russia,literary activities were brought into the construction of cultural industries under the Press & Publications Act,which didn't mean that literature has nothing to do with politics,but that the post-Soviet Russia has been greatly different from Soviet in the relationship of literature and politics.For example,politicians have to influence on certain persons' literary writing or criticism through individual behaviors or political acts,and writers have to participate in politics only in a private capacity.It means that politics itself is only the narrative content of literary texts instead of guiding ideology to literary activities under the Press & Publications Act.This article discusses the specific situations of complexities of literature and politics in the restoration of historical details.
作者 林精华
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期107-115,159,共9页 Foreign Literature
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金十五规划项目<1990年代以来俄国文学发展和民族主义关系问题研究>(02BWW006)
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