LTE系统中定义了信道探测参考信号,用于基站估计上行链路的信道质量。基站基于上行SRS信道估计得到上行信道信息,将获得的信道信息输入调度器作为其上行调度的主要依据。本文详细给出了基于LTE SRS的信道估计算法,并对其中的噪声及信噪比估计进行重点讨论,最后通过仿真分析了多种典型信道条件下信噪比估计的准确性。
Sounding reference signal (SRS) is defined in LTE system to acquire the uplink channel information. By SRS-based detection and estimation, uplink channel information can be obtained by the eNode B scheduler to perform resource scheduling for uplink transmission. A robust SRS-based channel estimation algorithm is deduced and especially a novel SINR estimation mothed is proposed in this paper. Finally, simulation results under typical channel scenarios show that the method can ensure the precision of the SINR estimation under various channel situation.
Telecommunications Science