
中国动态比较优势增进的机理与途径——基于企业家资源拓展的视角 被引量:14

The Mechanism and Approaches of China’s Dynamic Comparative Advantage Enhancement——Based on Perspectives of Entrepreneurs’ Resources Enrichment
摘要 在经济全球化中,中国若要在国际分工中获取更多的比较利益,必须更好地发挥自身的动态比较优势。企业家作为一揽子要素配置的支配者,在社会经济活动中处于核心地位,是中国社会经济开放与发展中关键的主动性资源,因此,亟需高度关注企业家这一稀缺资源。中国动态比较优势增进的动力源,是企业家资源拓展与才能的提升,对经济转型中的中国尤其如此。研究表明,企业家资源拓展的关键途径是市场规模的有效扩大,以此可构成企业家资源拓展与动态比较优势增进的互动纽带,并揭示"互动"的关联机理及实现途径,由此可拓展比较优势理论的内涵,增强其现实解释力,从而为中国更好地参与国际分工、提升国际竞争力,提供有益的思路。 With the pace of globalization, China must exert the better competitive advantage in order to meet an increasingly fierce international market competition Enterpriser as an element of the entrepreneurial resource is the most active and critical initiative resources in social and economic development , which is characterized by factor optimal allocation. To enrich the entrepreneurial resource and to bring the entrepreneurs ~ potential into full play are key to the enhancement of a country's dynamic comparative advantage, especially to countries in economic transition period such as China. The research reveals that the expansion of the effective market size is essential for the interaction between the entrepreneurial resource enrichment and the dynamic comparative advantage enhancement. And further analysis clarifies the connection principle and implementation approaches of the "interaction". Our study extends the comparative advantage theory and enhances its explanatory power in the real world, thus providing useful ideas for reversing China's disadvantage in the international division of labor and increasing its competitiveness.
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期77-85,共9页 Academic Monthly
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"中国企业家资源拓展与动态比较优势增进互动机理及途径研究"(71173181) 浙江省哲学社会科学重点研究基地重点项目"基于产业链治理的浙江若干典型产业集群竞争力提升研究"(11JDQY01Z)的阶段性成果
关键词 企业家资源 动态比较优势 市场规模 互动机理 实现途径 entrepreneur resource, dynamic comparative advantage, market extent, interactive mechanism, implementation approaches
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