
全麦粉生产与稳定化国内外研究进展 被引量:7

Recent progress of producing and stabilization of whole wheat flour
摘要 综述了全麦粉国内外生产、稳定化研究进展,以及国内外全麦粉相关标准现状。 Progress of producing and stabilization of whole wheat flour were summarized in this paper,as well as standard status of whole wheat flour in China and abroad were introduced.
作者 刘壮 孙英
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第5期133-135,共3页 Food Science and Technology
关键词 全麦粉 稳定化 生产 标准 进展 whole wheat flour stabilization production standard progress
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