
美国特殊管理药品滥用的监测与干预方式及其启示 被引量:9

Way of Supervision and Intervention for Special Controlled Substance Abused in the USA and Its Inspiration
摘要 目的:了解美国特殊管理药品滥用的监测与干预方式,为我国相关药品的管理提供参考。方法:通过查阅相关电子资料及文献,了解美国特殊管理药品的法律法规、监管机构和监管计划。结果与结论:《受控物质法案》等法律法规为美国特殊管理药品的管理提供了法律依据;美国缉毒局、食品药品监督管理局以及各州的授权机构为特殊管理药品的主要监管机构;美国特殊管理药品监管计划的主要特点为药品分类齐全、监管体系完善、干预对象全面。提示我国在药品管理方面应该不断完善药品分类和相应的监管措施,在监管体系方面应该扩大数据收集的范围,加强数据的预警作用,在干预对象上应该更加全面。 OBJECTIVE: To discuss the way of supervision and intervention for special controlled substance abused in the USA and give us some suggestion. METHODS: By reviewing relevant literature and electronic documents, special controlled substances in the USA were introduced in respect of law and regulations, monitoring institution and monitoring programs. RESULTS & CON- CLUSIONS: Controlled Substances Act and other laws and regulations provide a legal basis for the management of special con- trolled drugs in the United States. The main regulatory bodies of the controlled drug in the USA are EDA, FDA and state authority for special drugs. The main features of PDMP are complete classification of medicines, perfect regulatory system and comprehen- sive intervention object. It gives us the inspiration that in drug regulation, we should continually improve the classification of drugs and relevant regulation; in the regulatory system, we should expand the scope of data collection and strengthen the role of data for early warning; and the intervention should be targeted comprehensively.
作者 卢熠
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2012年第21期1938-1940,共3页 China Pharmacy
关键词 美国 特殊管理药品 监测与干预 启示 USA Special controlled substance Supervision and intervention Inspiration
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