
基于AWL的大学学术英语词汇与阅读教学 被引量:4

AWL-based Teaching of College Academic English Vocabulary and Reading
摘要 以Coxhead学术英语词汇表(AWL)为基础,探讨基于语料库方法的词汇分类方法,以及学术英语词汇表与学术阅读能力之间的关系。结合目前大学英语课程设置和教学的实际情况,提出开设大学学术英语系列课程,指导大学生通过英语学习促进其专业能力的发展。作为学术英语课程的先行课程,大学学术英语阅读课程将学术英语词汇作为积极词汇列入教学重点,并结合学术词汇、句法、语篇多个层面进行教学内容设计。 The Academic Word List (AWL) developed by Coxhead is adopted in the paper to introduce the corpus-based English vocabulary classification principle and explore the relationship between academic words and EAP learners' reading ability. In response to the current college English curriculum design and teaching practices, it is suggested that a series of college academic English courses be introduced to promote EAP learners' major study. As a foundation course of the college academic English course series, academic English reading course should list academic words as postive vocabulary in key teaching points and integrates the intensive study of academic English on lexical, syntactic and discourse levels in teaching design.
作者 张敏 王朝晖
出处 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2012年第5期179-182,共4页 Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education
基金 北京市教委科研项目<基于语料库的名词化习得研究>(SM201010772007)
关键词 学术用途英语 AWL 学术词汇 学术英语阅读 English for academic purposes AWL academic words academic English reading
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