目的 :为进一步加强监测 ,控制梅毒。方法 :针对 1997年至 1999年 8月东莞口岸 ,梅毒血清学检测中发现的梅毒血清抗体阳性 37例进行流行病学调查分析。结果 :男性 35例 ,女性 2例 ;隐生梅毒者 35例 ,二期梅毒者 2例。 (30 -49)岁 2 6例 ,5 0岁以上 6例 ,30岁以下 5例。外籍人员 3人 ,中国台湾省籍人员 11人 ,国内出国人员 5人 ,中国国际船员18人。建议 :加强入出境人员梅毒监测 ,加强健康教育 ,对梅毒患者做好早发现 ,早诊断 ,早治疗。
Objective:To monitor and control syphilis further. Method:From 1997 to August 1999,37 patients with positive reaction of serological antibody for syphilis,which were detected in monitoring syphilis,were analysed.Results:There were 35 patients with syphilis for man,two patients with it for woman.There were 35 patients with latent syphilis,two patients with secondary syphilis. There were 5 patients with syphilis for age less than 30,26 patients with it for age among 30-49,6 patients with it for age greater than 50.There were 3 patients with syphilis for foreign nationality,11 patients with it for Taiwan Province, 8 palients with it for Chinese which would go to out contry, 18 patients with it for Chinese international crew of ship.Suggestion:To strengthen monitoring syphilis for import and emport men;To strengthen health education for all the people;The patients with syphilis will be detected,diagnoced and treated early.
Modern Preventive Medicine