深圳市福田区卫生防疫站先后于 1997年初、 1999年初成功地进行了中层干部竞聘上岗。 1999年中层干部竞聘上岗没有机械地重复 1997年的方法 ,但效果更好。作者认为 :干部竞聘上岗要有节奏 ,不能太勤 ;竞聘中应注意培养和选拔女干部 ;公平竞争出成效。
Middle level cadres were employed through competition in Sanitary & Anti epidemic Station of Futian District.There had been twice,one in 1997 another in 1999.But they did not automatically duplicate the method of 1997 in 1999,whereas the effect was much better.The author of this article thinks that:the cadres competition for employmemt should be held rhythmically,but could not too frequently;and female cadre should be trained and selected by competition;fair competition is very benificial to the other work of the station.
Modern Preventive Medicine