
不同性别颈动脉血流动力学参数差异的初步研究 被引量:3

Preliminary Study of Sex Difference in Carotid Hemodynamics
摘要 目的研究不同性别间颈总动脉血流动力学参数是否存在差异。方法对47名健康受试者的双侧颈动脉分别行核磁共振(MR)扫描,在颈动脉分叉部位下2 cm处的颈总动脉平面上,把颈总动脉壁平均分为24等份,利用相位对比核磁共振成像(MRI)和三维抛物面模型拟合的方法,计算每个空间位置1个心动周期内的平均剪切力以及空间位置上最小的剪切力。观察性别对颈动脉血流动力学参数的影响。结果47名健康受试者中,有9名的9条颈动脉,因受试者难以耐受较长时间的扫描或扫描结果有伪影,在分析时排除在外。对剩下的85条血管进行分析,颈动脉血管壁上平均剪切力及空间位置上最低剪切力分别为(7.45±2.12)dyne/cm2和(5.98±1.93)dyne/cm2。不同性别之间无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论颈总动脉总的平均剪切力和空间分布最低剪切力不同性别间无明显差异。 Objective To study the sex difference in carotid hemodynamics.Methods Forty seven healthy volunteers were studied.Wall shear stress(WSS) values localized at CCA 2cm below the bifurcation were calculated with cine phase-contrast MR imaging combined three–dimensional paraboloid(3DP) model.On the spatial distribution,carotid wall was divided by 24 equal parts.Calculated the mean WSS in a cardiac cycle on each part,and choosed the minimal WSS value.Then we observed the effect of sex on the average WSS and minimal WSS.Results Total 94 carotid arteries of 47 health volunteers were examined,in which 9 carotid arteries in 9 volunteers were excluded because of uninterpretable high-resolution MRI findings or volunteer's intolerance for the detection.In the remaining 85 common carotid arteries analyzed,the average WSS and the minimal WSS during a cardiac cycle on the spatial distribution were(7.45±2.12) and(5.98±1.93) dyne/cm2 respectively.Both average WSS and minimal WSS have no significant correlation with sex(P0.05).Conclusion There are no significant sex difference in mean WSS and minimal WSS on the spatial distribution.
出处 《中国医疗设备》 2012年第6期38-41,共4页 China Medical Devices
基金 首都医学发展科研基金资助项目(2009-3106) 北京市科委项目(Z09020600360917) 首都医科大学基础-临床科研合作基金项目(11021289 1000170791)
关键词 核磁共振成像 颈动脉 血流动力学 性别 MRI carotid hemodynamics sex
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