
云计算模式的医疗信息管理平台构想 被引量:6

Cloud Computing Model of the Concept of Medical Information Management Platform
摘要 本文拟从医疗信息系统构成与存储入手,结合云计算技术,探讨应用云计算技术促进医疗信息的传输与存储,并在此基础上提出云端医疗信息平台的构想。 Combining with the structure and storage of medical information system,this paper aims to discuss the application of Cloud Computing to improve the transmission and storage of medical information,and puts forward the concept of cloud medical information platform.
出处 《中国医疗设备》 2012年第6期74-76,129,共4页 China Medical Devices
关键词 云计算 云端医疗信息平台 医疗信息传输 PACS HIS cloud computing cloud medical information sytem transmission of medical information PACS HIS
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