目的:探讨高发家系性精神分裂症的家族遗传情况及高发家族史与其临床特征和预后的关系。方法:对38例高发家系性和50 例低发性精神分裂症患者进行家系调查、临床对照分析和随访,将有关结果行统计学处理。结果:高发家系性与低发性精神分裂症相比,其亲属患病率、患病病种集中程度以及发病年龄,起病诱因,阴性症状,复发率和预后等方面差异均有显著性(P< 0.05)。结论:高发家族史与精神分裂症的一些临床特征和预后有关,分别以阴性症状和阳性症状为主的精神分裂症可能存在不同的遗传背景。
Objective:To study in familial heredity feacture of high density family history of schizophrenia and relation between high density family and clinical feactures of schizophrenia. Method: Thirty eight schizophrenia patients with high density family history and fifty schizophrenia patients with negetive family history had been studied in family, clinically analysed and followed up, to statistics with result of materials. Results:It was found that there were significant differences between two groups in morbidity risk of first degree relative, degree of certralized with fall ill and age at onset, factor of onset, negative symptoms, rate of come back again, out come etc( P<0 05) . Discussion:There is closer association between high density family history and clinical feactures, out come in schizophrenia. It may be different in the backdrop by inheritance between schizophrenia of negative symptoms and schizophrenia of positive symptoms. Family history might be a quota in the classification of schizophrenia. [
Medical Journal of Chinese Civil Administration
schizophrenia high density family history inheritance clinical feactures follow up