

Dilemma in the Election of Female County Governors from the Perspective of its Transactional Costs
摘要 促进更多女县长诞生的制度安排在实践操作中遇到了"失败",其中原因之一在于女性当选的交易成本,如选举前的宣传和动员成本、决策中的信息成本、制度执行过程中的执行和监督成本以及其他随机成本等大大多于男性,从而增加了其当选的困难。因此,要想促进更多女性当选,就必须让强制性制度变迁和诱致性制度变迁相结合、增加配套制度的供给、建立"整体政府"来降低交易成本。 Reasons for the "failure" of the existing systems to promote more female county governors to be elected include the transac- tional costs of females to be elected to be much higher than men, such costs as those for campaign propaganda and mobilization, and collection of information in the course of implementation and supervision. So the difficulties of women to be elected are increasing. Accordingly, to promote more women to be elected, we must demand changes in the mandatory-system, so as to encourage institutional change, by way of increase in enabling policies adopted by related agencies, throughout the "whole of government," thus, reducing transactional costs for elected women.
作者 陈丽琴
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期5-11,共7页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
关键词 交易成本 女县长 当选 transactional costs, female county governors, elected
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