

Subband Signal Analysis and Application Based on Multievel Filtering
摘要 为有效提取设备的故障征兆信息,提出了一种基于多级滤波的子带信号分析方法,并将其应用于机械设备的状态监测.运用两通道滤波器组来构造多级滤波器,再利用多级滤波器将机械设备的振动信号从高频到低频分解成一组子带信号,对子带信号进行频谱分析、包络分析等处理.结合对子带信号与原始信号的分析,提取出机械设备的故障征兆信息以进行状态监测.仿真分析和应用实例表明该,子带信号分析方法有助于更加完备地提取机械设备的故障征兆信息. A subband signal analysis method based on multilevel filtering is proposed to effectively extract the fault characteristics of mechanical equipments. The method is further applied to machinery condition mon- itoring. A multilevel filter is first designed by using two channel filter banks. Then, machine vibration signals are decomposed into .some subbands which are further analyzed with the methods such as frequency analysis and envelope analysis. Combining the analysis of subband signals with the analysis of the original signal, the fault characteristics of mechanical equipments are obtained to monitor machinery condition. Simulations and application examples show that the method is efficient to extract the complete fault features of mechanical equipments.
出处 《测试技术学报》 2012年第3期240-244,共5页 Journal of Test and Measurement Technology
关键词 多级滤波器 状态监测 故障诊断 滤波器组 子带信号分析 multilevel filters condition monitoring fault diagnosis filter bank subband signal analysis
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