1Robert Bickers, "Introduction", in Robert Bickers and R. G. Tiedemann (ed.) , Boxer, China and the World, p. xii.
2Henrietta Harrison, "Village Politics and National Politics: The Boxer Movement in Central Shanxi ", in Robert Bickers and R. G. Tiedemann (ed.), Boxer, China and the World, p. 8.
3Roger R. Thompson: " Reporting the Taiyuan Massacre: Culture and Politics in the China War of 1900", in Robert Bickers and R. G. Tiedemann ( ed. ), Boxer, China and the World, p. 79.
4Ben Middleton, "Scandals of Empire: The Looting of North China and the Japanese Public Sphere", in Robert Bickers and R. G. Tiedemann (ed.), Boxer, China and the World, p. 127.
5Lewis Bernstein, " After the Fall: Tianjin under Foreign Occupation, 1900-1902", in Robert Bickers and R. G. Tiedemann (ed.), Boxer, China and the World, p. 140.
6T. G. Otte, "The Boxer Uprising and British Foreign Policy: The End of Isolation", in Robert Bickers and R. G. Tiedemann ( ed. ), Boxer, China and the World, p. 171.
8Paul A. Cohen, "Humanizing the Boxers", in Robert Bickers and R. G. Tiedemann (ed.), Boxer, China and the World, p. 194.