公寓是地籍系统中最具代表性并应以3D形式登记的不动产单元,其建筑结构及空间形态影响着各单元在三维地籍注册中所占据的空间,将房屋几何信息引入地籍系统可实现法定空间的准确表达。本文以ISO/TC 211土地管理域模型LADM为模板,基于地籍管理中"法定空间-物理结构"理论,将房屋物理模型引入LADM,以房屋或建筑物物理实体模型或几何信息为空间参照,在三维地籍系统中实现公寓单元"法定空间"的准确表达与登记。
The building complexes and the apartment units are the typical objects in cadastral registration with 3D characteristic. A 3D represented physical building model with sufficient geometric information reflects the 3D property situation and defines the spatial extent of the building units, its introduction can help to clearly identify the 3D situation and the legal space of each property. Based on this idea, for introducing the physical building model and the spatial information into cadastre dataset, a Surveying and Representation _ PhysicalBuilding package was proposed under the framework of LADM in this research. The extended package provide a clear relation between the legal registration and the physical representation of the building unit in the 3D cadastral system.
Science of Surveying and Mapping