
高效低温聚磷菌的筛选及特性研究 被引量:6

Screening of Efficient and Low-temperature Polyphosphate-accumulating Organisms and Their Characteristics
摘要 通过人工模拟自然降温的方式,从A2/O反应器驯化污泥中筛选到低温条件下聚磷效果较好的三株功能菌株P1、P2、P3,经试验得到一种分离聚磷菌效果较好的方法 -稀释混合平板法;分析研究三株菌的聚磷效果、生化特性,测定三株菌的多维生长曲线,研究了温度、pH、微量元素对这三株菌的生长量及除磷率的影响,结果表明,三株菌的生长最适温度均为15℃,适宜的生长和除磷pH为中性偏碱。最后用分子生物学的方法对三株菌进行鉴定,三株菌均属于不动杆菌属的约氏不动杆菌(A cinetobacter Johnson ii)。 Using artificial simulation of natural cooling,three functional strains(P1,P2,and P3) with preferred phosphorus accumulation in low temperature were isolated from the activated sludge in the actuating phase of A2/O system.This paper founds that the dilution/blending method was favorable to isolate phosphate-accumulating organisms by studying on their phosphorus accumulation capability and biochemical features.In order to test the 24h growth curve,important factors,temperature,pH and trace elements value were studied to evaluate their effect on the growth and phosphorus removal ratios of P1,P2,and P3.Results show that the optimal temperature for the three strains growth is about 15℃,phosphorus removal for all four strains are optimal in a mildly alkali condition.Finally,the molecular biology method is adopted identify the three phosphate accumulating bacteria and finds out that all the three strains belong to A cinetobacter Johnson ii.
出处 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2012年第5期36-40,共5页 Environmental Science and Management
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项:河流水环境综合整治技术研究与综合示范主题-松花江水污染防治与水质安全保障关键技术及综合示范(2008ZX07207-005)-冰封期复合污染高效去除技术研究与工程示范
关键词 低温 聚磷菌 生长曲线 PH值 温度 微量元素 菌株鉴定 low temperature phosphorus accumulation organism(PAO) growth curve pH temperature trace elements strain identification
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