
旅游开发对上海滨海湿地植被的影响 被引量:7

The tourism development impact on Shanghai coastal wetland vegetation
摘要 选择上海滨海地区湿地植被为研究对象,采用典型样地与标准样方相结合的调查方法,从属种和生物多样性角度分析不同旅游开发方式对滨海湿地植被的影响。结果如下:(1)根据滨海旅游区水域开放程度,可将开发类型分为封闭式、半封闭式以及开放式3种,不同旅游开发类型对滨海湿地植被影响程度不同;(2)研究区封闭式相比较半封闭式和开放式旅游开发类型,可以提高区域内物种数量,物种数量增加分别增多33和45种,但本地物种所占比例下降,从70%分别下降到26.26%和21.73%;(3)旅游开发封闭性越强,生物多样性越高,封闭式、半封闭式以及开放式旅游开发区域生物多样性Shanno-Winner指数分别为0.92、1.07和1.51,区域内均匀度指数随封闭性增加而有所降低,Shanno-Winner均匀度指数从最高0.71降到最低0.52;(4)滨海湿地植被对不同类型旅游开发响应不同,封闭度越高,区域内植被响应度越强,封闭式、半封闭式以及开放式植被响应指数分别为2.2、2.0和1.8。 As coastal tourism numbers increase, the impact of tourism on these fragile areas is receiving more academic attention. Coastal tourism impact has impact on natural elements such as water bodies, wetland vegetation and soil. Coastal wetland vegetation is an integral part of coastal wetland eco-systems and plays an important role in water impoundment and the reduction of wind erosion and sea water erosion and hence is an important focus for research. Current tourism environmental impact studies focus on the direct impact of tourist activities on the natural environmental, and research on tourism development's impact on the natural environmental elements are comparatively rare, especially on coastal tourism development's impact on wetland vegetation. Therefore, this paper examines the Fengxian coastal tourism area and in particular Fengxian Bihaijinsha and the Jinshan urban beach district near Shanghai. Random sampling of the vegetation in these intensely tourist-developed areas using typical sample plot and standard quadrat methods was applied to study species biodiversity and thus to analyze the impact of different tourism development methods on coastal wetland vegetation. This study examined 13 plots in the Fengxian costal tourism area, 7 plots in Fengxian Bihaijinsha, and 10 plots in Jinshan Urban Beach, and calculated the coastal vegetation biodiversity. It then calculated select species numbers, local species proportion and biodiversity indexes to evaluate the impact of tourism development on wetland vegetation. The results indicate: (1) coastal tourist development can be divided to isolated, semi-isolated and open types based on the characteristics of tourism development and the water-area. Different tourist development approaches and types have differentlevels of influence on coastal wetland vegetation; (2) compared with the semi-isolated and the open types, isolated type tourism development can improve species number respectively by 33 species and 45 ones; however, local species proportions decreases from 70% to 26.26% and 21.73% ; (3) the more isolated the tourist development is, the higher the biodiversity is. The biodiversities of isolated, semi-isolated and open developed tourism areas as measured by the Shanno- Winner indexes are respective O. 92, 1.07 and 1.51, and Simpson indexes are respectively 0.52, 0.58 and O. 71 ; however, the regional evenness index declines as the isolation level increases. The Shanno-Winner evenness index declines from the maximum of 0.71 to 0.52, and the Simpson evenness index declines from a maximum of 0.78 to 0.68; (4) coastal wetland vegetation responds differently to different types of tourist development. The higher the isolation level is, the stronger the regional plantation response level becomes. The respond indexes of plantations in isolated, semi-isolated and open tourist areas are 2.2, 2.0 and 1.8 respectively.
作者 刘世栋 高峻
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期2992-3000,共9页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40871256)
关键词 旅游开发 湿地植被 生物多样性 上海滨海湿地 tourism development wetland vegetation biodiversity Shanghai coastal wetland
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