
输入语速对外语听力习得影响的实验研究 被引量:14

Effect on the speed of SLA:An experimental study
摘要 本研究以大学生为受试,采用人工语法内隐学习的实验范式,以正常语速(母语习得的听力语速)和慢语速(外语学习初期的听力语速)探讨语速对无意识的外语习得的影响。结果显示,正常语速学习条件组受试的内隐学习成绩显著高于慢语速学习条件组受试;测试语速对内隐学习影响较小。由此本文提出,正常语速的听力学习更有利于外语习得,外语听力教学中应该大大缩短从慢语速到正常语速输入的进程。这一结论向传统的外语听力的学习理念发起了挑战。 This paper uses implicit learning of artificial grammar in analogy to the subconscious process of language acquisition.Taking college students as subjects,the experiment explore s the effect of normal speech speed(listening speed of mother tongue acquisition) and slow speed(listening speed of foreign language learning at the early stage) on SLA.Normal speed is used in analogy to the listening speed of mother tongue acquisition,and slow speed to the listening speed of SLA.The results reveal that the implicit learning performance of subjects in the normal speed learning group is significantly better than that of those in the slow speed group.The speed of listening test has little effect on implicit learning.Based on the research,the author suggests that normal speed listening helps facilitate SLA,and that the transition from slow speed input to normal speed input should be considerably shortened,an idea that challenges the traditional conception of SLA.
出处 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期402-410,480,共9页 Foreign Language Teaching and Research
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