
纤维素铜氨溶液的溶解性能及流变性能 被引量:5

Rheological properties and solubility of cellulose cuprammonium complex solution
摘要 研究了纤维素在铜氨溶液中不同溶解条件下的溶解特性,以及纤维素铜氨溶液的流变性能。结果表明:当溶解温度为-10℃,Cu2+浓度为1.4 mol/L,溶解时间1 h时,纤维素在铜氨溶液中有较大的溶解度;纤维素铜氨溶液为假塑性流体,其黏度随温度的升高而降低,随纤维素含量的升高而增大,当纤维素含量较高时,其黏度随温度的变化幅度较大。 The solubility of cellulose in cuprammonium complex solution was studied under different dissolution conditions, as was the theological properties of cellulose cuprammonium complex solution. The results showed that the cellulose cuprammonium complex solution had relatively high solubility when the dissolution temperature was - 10 ℃, Cu2+ concentration 1.4 mol/L, and dissolution time 1 h; the cellulose cuprammonium complex solution was pseudoplastie fluid, whose viscosity dropped with the in- crease of temperature and rose with the increase of cellulose content ; and the viscosity changed considerably with the temperature as the cellulose content was relatively high.
出处 《合成纤维工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期28-30,共3页 China Synthetic Fiber Industry
关键词 纤维素 铜氨溶液 溶解 黏度 流变性能 cellulose cuprammonium complex solution dissolution viscosity theological properties
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