

Clinical analysis on the urinary system injuries result from neoadjuvant intraarteria chemotherapy in the treatment of cervical cancer patients
摘要 目的探讨新辅助动脉插管化疗(neoadjuvant intraarteria chemotherapy,NIC)发生泌尿系损伤的各种原因及相应处理。方法对2005年3月~2010年4月ⅠB 2~ⅡB期100例宫颈癌患者资料进行分析,将患者按介入疗程、年龄、肿瘤分期、介入术式及术后疼痛程度对比分析,并对发生泌尿系损伤的15例患者进行病因分析。结果介入化疗术后泌尿系损伤与患者年龄、肿瘤分期、介入疗程及术式均呈显著性相关(P<0.01,P<0.05),与术后疼痛程度无明显相关性。结论介入治疗导致输尿管及膀胱损伤与患者年龄、介入术式及肿瘤分期有关,介入疗程的增加可增加泌尿系损伤的概率。临床上对上述病因加以重视可减少泌尿系损伤的发生率。 Objective Explore the cause and treatment of the urinary system injuries result from receiving neoadjuvant in- traarteria chemotherapy. Methods Selected from March 2005 to April 2010 was 100 cases of cervica/cancer ⅠB2- Ⅱ B data analysis, the patients according to age, involved in treatment, tumor stage, surgical intervention and postoperative pain were compared, and the urinary system damage to the cause analysis of 15 patients. Results Chemotherapy after surgery urinary system injury with age, tumor stage, treatment and surgical intervention were significantly related (P 〈 0.01, P 〈 0.05), and postoperative pain was no significant correlation. Conclusion Interventional treatment of ureteral and bladder injury asso- ciated with the patient age, tumor stage and surgical intervention,involved in the increase in treatment can increase the probability of urinary tract injury. The clinical importance of these causes can be reduced the incidence of urinary tract injury.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2012年第15期154-156,共3页 China Modern Doctor
基金 2009年浙江省衢州市科技项目计划(20091071)
关键词 新辅助动脉插管化疗 宫颈癌 泌尿系损伤 Neoadjuvant intraarteria chemotherapy Cervical cancer Urinary system iniuries
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