
获得诺贝尔奖的“徒弟”最多的物理学家 被引量:2

The physicist who had the most apprentices to win the Nobel prize
摘要 20世纪是物理学的黄金世纪.提到20世纪的物理教育大师,一般业内人士会想到汤姆孙、卢瑟福和玻尔,认为这3代师徒是最出色的物理教育家,重要的理由之一是他们培养了多名诺贝尔奖得主.事实上马克斯.玻恩创立了哥廷根物理学派,在哥廷根、在法兰克福、在爱丁堡他培养和影响了十余名年轻科学家,帮助他们获得诺贝尔奖.玻恩的成就使之当之无愧进入20世纪伟大物理教育家之前列. The 20th century was the golden century of physics.When people talk about the great educational masters of physics,a professional physicist would recall J.J Thomson,Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr,they are the best educationists of physics.The main reason is that they had several pupils who had gained the Nobel prize,In fact,Max Born who constructed the Gttingen school of physics,in Gttingen,Frankfurt and Edinburgh,he had taught and affected more than 10 young scientists and help them to gain the Nobel prize.Born’s success led him enter the top ranks of great educational masters of physics in 20th century.
出处 《大学物理》 北大核心 2012年第4期50-54,共5页 College Physics
关键词 诺贝尔奖 玻恩 哥廷根物理学派 Nobel prize Born Gttingen school of physics
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