
大黄的生化学研究ⅩⅩⅩⅢ.波叶大黄多糖的降血脂和抗凝血作用 被引量:20

Biochemical Studies of Chinese Rhubarb ⅩⅩⅩⅢ. Antihyperlipidemic and Anticoagulative Effects of Polysaccharide from Rheum Hotaoeuse (RHP)
摘要 波叶大黄多糖(Rheum hotaoense polysaccharide,RHP)具有明显的降血脂和抗凝血作用。ig RHP 100,200mg/kg,可分别使蛋黄诱导的高血脂症小鼠血清总胆固醇(TC)降低45%,46%,甘油三酯(TG)降低42%,67%,肝脏TC分别降低63%,65%,TG降低14%,55%,过氧化脂质(MDA)降低49%,66%;对正常小鼠血清TC无明显影响;小鼠给药后30min与对照组相比,血凝时间分别延长93%,110%。小鼠ip给药后10min与对照组相比,血凝时间分别延长101%,116%。ig RHP 45,90mg/kg,可分别使高脂饲料诱导的高脂血症大鼠血清TC降低48%,50%,TG降低30%,31%;肝脏TC降低57%,62%,TG降低23%,30%,MDA降低26%,41%。RHP体外可使凝血时间比生理盐水对照组延长250%,凝血酶原时间延长264%。家兔ig RHP 56mg/kg后白陶土部分凝血活酶时间延长34%。 With the dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg by ig administration, RHP decreased the serum tolal cholesteral content (TC) by 45% and 46%; triglyceride (TG) by 42% and 67%; the liver TC by 63% and 65%; TG by 14% and 55%; and malonaldehyde precursor (MDA) by 49% and 66% respectively in mice with hypercholesterolemia induced by ip administration of hen yolk as compared with the control group. With the dose of 45 and 90 mg/kg by ig administration, RHP reduced the serum TC by 48% and 50%; TG by 30% and 31%; the liver TC by 57% and 62%; TG by 23% and 30% and MDA by 26% and 41% respectively in rats with hypercholesterolemia induced by feeding with percholesterolic food for 9 days as compared with the control group. RHP had no significant effect on. TC in serum of normal mice. With the concentration of 0.8 mg/0.2 ml, RHP prolonged the coagalative time by 250%, and the prothrombin time by 264% in vitro as compared with the saline group. With the dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg by ig and ip administration in mice, RHP increased the coagalative time by 93%, 110% and 101%, 116% respectively as compared with control group. With the dose of 56 mg/kg by ig administration in rabbits RHP prolonged the kaolin partial thromboplastin time by 34% as compared with the value before treatment. The results indicate RHP has significant antihyperlipidemic and anticoagulative actions.
出处 《中国药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第5期283-286,共4页 Journal of China Pharmaceutical University
关键词 波叶大黄 多糖 降血脂 抗凝血 Rheum hotaoense Polysaccharide Antihyperlipidemic action Anticoagulative action
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