处于设计阶段的产品 ,可装配性的好坏莫过于在计算机上仿真产品的实际装配过程 为了提高联合收割机的设计质量、缩短开发周期、降低装配成本 ,笔者在Autodesk公司的三维软件MDT的基础上 ,利用MCADAPI等开发工具 ,对脱粒装置三维装配过程进行了仿真 ,可在产品设计阶段直观地进行预装配 。
For those products which are still at the design stage, the best way to check the assembly validity is to simulate the actual assembly process on the computer. In order to improve the design quality of the combine, shorten the development period and reduce the cost of assembly, based on the commercial CAD software MDT, the three dimensional assembly process of threshing set is simulated by using the SDK of MCAD API. A product at design stage can be pre assembled dramatically, meanwhile its assembly process plans can be verified .
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)