
内隐知识的理论述评 被引量:1

Summarize the Theories of Implicit Knowledge
摘要 内隐知识尽管在知识管理、军事、医学、教育等实践领域已经有着广泛的应用,可依据的理论架构却不尽相同。本文将对东西方哲学在认知与实践过程中出现的内隐知识的核心理论,包括庄子的道、波兰尼的个体知识和缄默知识、斯滕伯格的实践智力、佐尔坦.迪恩斯的具有心理表征特点的内隐和外显知识进行梳理和品评,力求得到对内隐知识的整合性理解,并建议在双加工理论的基础上理解内隐知识。 Although implicit knowledge has already a wide range of applications in the field of knowledge management, military, medicine, education, but these theoretical frameworks are different. This paper summary the core theories of im- plicit knowledge in eastern and western philosophy, cognitive and practice process: Zhuang Zi' s way; Polanyi consider im- plicit knowledge as the important part of individual knowledge; Stemberg and his colleagues deem implicit knowledge as the form of practice intelligence; Zolten. Diense distinguishes explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge from the functional at- tributes of semantic and psychological representation. Review and comment these theories and get integration of comprehend implicit knowledge. The proposal is that the difference of explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge should based on dual - processing theory.
出处 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 2012年第2期144-147,共4页 Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University
关键词 内隐知识 实践智力 心理表征理论 双加工理论 implicit knowledge practice intelligence representational theory of mind dual - processing theory
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