
内部劳动市场中的互惠行为与技能外溢效应——基于经济社会学视角 被引量:9

The Effect of Reciprocal Behavior and Skill Spillover in Internal Labor Market:The Econosociological Perspective
摘要 将经济社会学关于小群体的社会性互惠行为理论运用于内部劳动市场研究后发现,企业内部劳动者之间群体互惠行为促进在劳动分工边界模糊情况下交易成本的节省与劳动和谐的提高,继而提高劳动效率。互惠行为引起高技能者的劳动技能溢出以及收益外部性,高技能者劳动技能溢出的经济外部性不能在劳动定价中实现经济收益,而是通过行为互惠合作中的情感收益得到补偿。此外部性将会造成劳动市场二元结构,即高技能者收益相对偏低与低技能者收益相对偏高导致高技能者相对短缺和低技能者相对过剩。但是,通过提升高技能者的社会赞誉与尊重方式,可以补偿他们劳动技能溢出的收益外部性,从而缓解高技能劳动者短缺的问题。 The labor behavior in internal labor market is the behavior of both economic cooperation and social reciprocation. The pure economic yield and cost analysis of this behavior will deprive it of its social behavior characteristics. But emotional exchange theory provides a suitable perspective and analytic framework. The article studies internal labor market by applying the economic-sociological theory in terms of reciprocal social behavior in small groups. Factors such as information and market change lead to efficiency problems of labor management in firms. To clearly define labor boundary is not a low-cost or high-efficiency choice. Firms thus are forced to apply ambiguous boundary to internal labor division. With a certain degree, the ambiguous boundary of internal labor division helps to reduce the labor management cost and promote the autonomous reciprocal behavior among the internal workers (namely by way of exchanging labor skills, knowledge, information and others between the internal workers). In the situation of applying ambiguous boundary to labor division, reciprocal social behavior in small groups of internal workers helps to reduce transaction cost, promote labor harmony, and thus enhance labor efficiency. The reciprocal behavior leads to the spillover of higher-skilled workers' skills and their economic yield externalization. And the economic externality of the spillover of higher-skilled workers' skills is not compensated by economic yield in labor pricing, but by emotional yield in cooperative reciprocal behavior. The reciprocal behavior enhances the marginal labor productivity of lower-skilled workers and thus increases their labor yield. Therefore, the externalization contributes to form the dual-structure of labor market, namely, the relative shortage of higher-skilledworkers caused by their relatively lower wage than average, and the relative surplus of lower-skilled workers due to their relatively higher wage. However, the externalization of the spillover of higher-skilled workers' skills can be compensated by social be included in follow-up studies.
作者 严维石
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期191-197,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 劳动市场 经济社会学 高技能 低技能 互惠行为 情感收益 技能外溢 收益外部性 labor market economic sociology higher-skilled lower-skilled reciprocal behavior emotional yield skill spillover yield externality
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