Two promoters, LTR (long terminal repeat) and IP (internal promoter), exist in genomes of foamy viruses. Cell transfection and transient expression assay demonstrated that: the basal activity of BFV (bovine foamy virus) IP is much higher than that of BFV LTR; transactivator of BFV—Borf 1, which activates gene expression directed by BFV LTR, also functions on BFV IP with an activation fold higher than that on LTR. The results suggest that BFV IP and LTR may regulate viral gene expression by different mechanisms, and that Borf 1 may stimulate BFV IP and LTR in different ways. In addition, an in vivo DNA competition assay demonstrated that a common transcription factor may be involved in both mechanisms of the two promoters.
Two promoters, LTR (long terminal repeat) and IP (internal promoter), exist in genomes of foamy viruses. Cell transfection and transient expression assay demonstrated that: the basal activity of BFV (bovine foamy virus) IP is much higher than that of BFV LTR; transactivator of BFV—Borf 1, which activates gene expression directed by BFV LTR, also functions on BFV IP with an activation fold higher than that on LTR. The results suggest that BFV IP and LTR may regulate viral gene expression by different mechanisms, and that Borf 1 may stimulate BFV IP and LTR in different ways. In addition, an in vivo DNA competition assay demonstrated that a common transcription factor may be involved in both mechanisms of the two promoters.
Virologica Sinica
国家自然科学基金!(39770 0 32 )
教育部博士点基金!(980 0 5 5 16 )