1例46岁男性患者因帕金森病服用多巴丝肼治疗,最初剂量为125 mg、3次/d,服用1年。因症状进行性加重,自行服用250 mg、4次/d,服用1.5年。之后,患者欲完全控制症状,再次自行将多巴丝肼剂量调整至125 mg/1.5 h(每日剂量达1375 mg)。约3个月后出现发作性左侧肢体不随意运动,停用多巴丝肼后上述症状逐渐减轻。停药第4天起再次给予患者多巴丝肼250 mg、4次/d口服,左侧肢体不自主抽动逐渐减少,1周后肢体抽动症状未发作。随访3个月未发作肢体不随意运动。
A 46-year-old man with parkinson's disease received benserazide with an initial dose of 125 mg three times daily for one year and the patient took benserazide 250 mg four times daily for 1.5 years himself due to progressively worsening symptoms. Subsequently, he adjusted benserazide dosage to 125 mg every 1.5 hours ( daily total dose 1375 mg) himself again in order to completely control his symptoms. About three months later, his left limbs developed paroxysmal involuntary movements. Benserazide was stopped and the above symptoms were gradually alleviated. From the fourth day of discontinuation, the patient received beuserazide 250 mg four times daily again and involuntary twitching of his left limbs relieved gradually. One week later, the twitching of his limbs did not appear again and involuntary movements of his limbs did not recur at a 3-month follow-up.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal