1例88岁男性患者因心房颤动急性加重就诊。患者既往有支气管哮喘病史,但来诊时无哮喘发作表现。给予患者胺碘酮150 mg溶于5%葡萄糖注射液10 ml缓慢静脉推注(1 ml/min),用药约6 min(胺碘酮剂量约90 mg)时患者突然出现呼吸骤停伴全身发绀、意识丧失、双肺无呼吸音。立即停用胺碘酮,予辅助呼吸和氧疗。呼吸停止2 min后患者意识及呼吸逐渐恢复,但出现明显呼气性呼吸困难,双肺满布哮鸣音。加用甲泼尼龙和多索茶碱。8 min后患者神志逐渐转清,肺部哮鸣音消失,心室率稳定于70~80次/min。25 min后患者憋喘、心悸症状消失。
An 88-year-old male presented to hospital with acute exacerbation of atrial fibrillation. He had a history of bronchial asthma, but there was no signs of asthma attack on admission. The patient was given an IV bolus of amiodarone 150 mg in 5% glucose 10 ml at a rate of 1 ml/min. About 6 minutes after the injection was started ( amiodarone about 90 mg) , the patient suddenly experienced respiratory arrest, generalised cyanosis, unconsciousness, no breath sound around bilateral pulmonary lobes. Amiodarone was withdrawn immediately. He received assisted ventilation and oxygen inhalation therapy. After 2 minutes of respiratory arrest, his consciousness and breath gradually recovered. But he presented with marked expiratory dyspnea and widespread wheeze over both lung fields. Then methylprednisolone and doxofylline were added to his regimen. Eight minutes later, he became conscious gradually and pulmonary wheeze vanished. At the same time, the ventricular rate was stable around 70-80 beats/rain. Twenty-five minutes later,shortness of breath and palpitation subsided.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal