In this paper, we study the existence and regularity of a solution to the initial datum problem of a semilinear generalized Tricomi equation in mixed-type initial datum on the degenerate plane is smooth away from the origin, domain. We suppose that an and has a conormal singularity at this point, then we show that in some mixed-type domain, the solution exists and is conormal with respect to the characteristic conic surface which is issued from the origin and has a cusp singularity.
In this paper, we study the existence and regularity of a solution to the initial datum problem of a semilinear generalized Tricomi equation in mixed-type initial datum on the degenerate plane is smooth away from the origin, domain. We suppose that an and has a conormal singularity at this point, then we show that in some mixed-type domain, the solution exists and is conormal with respect to the characteristic conic surface which is issued from the origin and has a cusp singularity.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10871096)