建筑集成光伏(Building Integrated Photovoltaic,简称BIPV)技术,是光伏发电技术的重要发展方向之一。其能量变换拓扑正逐渐向模块式结构发展,这对DC-DC变换器提出了新的要求。本文在分析了现有光伏发电能量变换拓扑结构的基础上,讨论了常见DC-DC变换拓扑的适用性,并给出了建议。
Building Integrated Photovoltaic technology is an important developing direction of photovoltaic technology.Modularization is the development trend of BIPV power conversion topology and it has proposed new requirements to DC-DC converter.Based on the analysis of existing photovoltaic power conversion topologies,applicability of common DC-DC converter topoloaies is discussed in this Daoer and recommendations are aiven.
The World of Inverters