本文介绍了采用氮气保护炉中钎焊方法对铝合金机箱进行整体钎焊的工艺特点和工艺过程 ,并对焊接温度控制、保护气氛控制、接头设计、装夹方式等关键工艺问题进行了详细分析与讨论。该工艺在焊接质量、可靠性、周期。
This paper presents the characteristics and procedure of the new furnace brazing technology for Aluminium-alloy cases in Nitrogen atmosphere. The key techniques such as accurate temperature control, protective atmosphere control, joint design and assemble method are also discussed in detail. This technology has prominent advantage in the fields of quality, cycle, reliability, cost, etc.
Electro-Mechanical Engineering