
两种快速开发数据驱动Web应用的有效途径 被引量:1

Two Efficient Shortcuts to Developing Data Driven Web Application
摘要 结合实例讨论了两种在ASP中快速开发数据驱动Web应用的有效途径 :利用MicrosoftVisualInterDev 6 0的数据绑定设计期间控件及第三方组件ASP db。它们都力图简化开发过程 ,降低开发难度 ,减少开发者的工作量。前者以脚本对象模型为基础 ,自动产生所需脚本 ,为开发者提供了一个完全可视和相当灵活的开发环境 ,同时可以自由选择脚本平台以提高页面响应的快速性 ,但它需要一定的再开发工作量。后者提供了完整的数据存取和显示功能 ,不需要再开发 ,但需要开发者准确设置其特性 ;该组件在页面设计阶段完全不可视 ,设置特性有一定难度 ,但对于那些不熟悉脚本语言的Web站点开发者而言 ,不失为一种选择。 Almost every web site, commercial or noncommercial, need to publish their information to and get some information from the world every day If this information was invariant, it would be enough to use static HTML document However, the information to be published on Internet continues to change, it is absolutely necessary to use CGI, ISAPI,or ASP Particularly,if a lot of dynamic information is to publish, some database should be developed \;ASP is the idealist web developer's tool by now It has six powerful embedded Active X server components for most common usage Of them, database access component, called ADO(Active Data Object) is designed to access ODBC database, for example, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase ADO has three objects, called Connection, Command and RecordSet, and several sub-objects With these objects,all of operations, such as data connection,date query and update, on database could be performed However, it is still difficult to construct a complete web pages with expected functions by only using ADO \;Microsoft Visual InterDev 6 0 and Design time Controls (DTC) in it are good tools for developing data driven web application Every DTC with specified properties automatically produces required script codes with the aid of scripting object model that is based on the script library in a web project Some of DTCs have corresponding controls at browser, the rest have nothing, they just work at server With these controls, it becomes very easy to build a web page with basic capacity of accessing database But it needs developer's relative effort to construct a web page with powerful SQL query functions \;ActiveX Server Component ASP db, developed by Major Micro System, Inc , is the “first” ASP component that has been designed to provide an easy and powerful way to display ODBC database on a web page With its rich properties, it can control almost every aspect of displaying What a developer does is to find out the meanings of every property But it is not easy to set these properties correctly and quickly because there is not any visible tool to help user \;In conclusion, ASP db is recommended for most web developers and a visible tool for it should be developed
作者 杨立法
出处 《西安邮电学院学报》 2000年第1期5-12,共8页 Journal of Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications
关键词 WEB应用 ASP 数据驱动 计算机网络 Web Application Active Server Pages(ASP) Web Database Design time Controls(DTC) Scripting Object Model Database Access Component
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