Antagonistic storage is one of the traditional storage ways of the Chinese medicinalmaterials. The results indicated that antagonistic storage between moutan and alismatis hasobvious effects on insect-repellency and mothproof based on the trials in a warehouse storedcrude drug for 6 months. In order to ascertain the mechanistns of insect-repellency of moutanin the antagonistic storage system, the paper strip method described by MeDonald et al(1970) and food preference method described by Mondal (1984) were used to test repellencyof moutan extract and Paeonol against 5 species of stored-product insects in the Chinesemedicinal materials. The results are summarized as: The mean repellency of 100, 200,400μg/cm2 moutan extract against 5 species adults are totally achieved Class V (80.1 % -100%), and the order of repellent activity of extract to the insects is Rhizopertha dominica≤ Stegobium paniceum < Oryzaephilus surinamensis ≤ Sitophilus zaemais <Tribolium castaneum. Percentage repellency of S. Paniceum adults is nagatively correlatedwith weeks after treatment with moutan extract. The mean repellency of 0 .25 %, 1. 25%,2.5% moutan extract to T. castaneum larvae from the first instax to the sixth instar areachieved respectively Class Ⅱ (20. 1 % ~ 40% repellency), Ⅲ (40. 1 % ~ 60% ), Ⅲ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ(60. 1 % ~ 80% ) and V, It is feasible applying the index RC50 to compare the repellentactivity of various chemicals against various insect species and the conclusions are the same asthose of the variance analysis.
Grain Storage
moutan, alismatis, Chinese medicinal material, stored-product insect, control