
一种基于模因演算法的频率分配新策略 被引量:5

A New Frequency Assignment Strategy Based on Memetic Algorithm
摘要 分析了模因演算法的原理以及与遗传算法之间的关系。基于遗传算法在求解频率分配问题时的有效性,指出了使用模因演算法解决同类问题的可行性。针对一个实际的频率分配问题提出并设计了一种新颖的基于正整数序列编码方式的模因演求解算法。实验结果表明,新算法能够在有效时间内找到满足电磁兼容特性的频率分配方案。 The principle of Memetic Algorithm(MA) and its relationship with Genetic Algorithm (GA) are analysed. Based on the efficiency of GA in solving the Frequency Assignment Problem (FAP), the feasibility of using MA to solve FAP is pointed out. In order to solve a practical FAP, a novel positive - integer encoded MA is pro- posed and designed. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can successfully find frequency assign- ment strategy satisfying Electromagnetic Compatibility Constmints(EMC) with acceptable time consumption.
作者 熊健 喻歆
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2012年第5期748-754,共7页 Telecommunication Engineering
关键词 频谱管理 频率分配 遗传算法 模因演算法 spectnnn management frequency assignment genetic algorithm memetic algorithm
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