
范德堡校长领导行为评价体系在中国的适用性研究 被引量:1

The Vanderbilt Assessment of Learning-centered Principal Leadership and Its Application in China
摘要 对世界教育政策中是否存在着共同因素的提问,引发了对理论框架和成功模式是否适合于跨文化引进和改进的研究。而这一探索所面对的挑战是引进外来理论在认知理解层面上必须经历的复杂过程,以及测试该理论的实践工具是否有跨文化适用性的运作难度。该文以一个源于美国的教育领导力理论框架为例,从理论和实证的角度调查它的跨文化信度和效度。通过运用定量和定性两种方式,研究结果显示中美两国教育体制虽然不同,在校长领导行为的核心内容和关键环节方面有诸多共同要素,尤其在促进学生学习和发展这一中心目标上存在着很强的一致性。但是,引进的理论框架和校长领导行为评价量表需要加以修改才能反映出中国教育改革对平衡学业成绩和社会能力的要求。 The belief that there are common elements in contemporary international educational policy has brought growing interest in sharing leadership theories and successful models cross-culturally.The challenge is to understand the complexity of cross-cultural translation of theories and applications,and to map out possible solutions to meaningful adaptation.This paper explores a U.S.framework for school leadership and investigates its cross-cultural generalizability both theoretically and empirically.Employing both qualitative and quantitative methods,findings from the studies give support to the claim that there is strong cross-cultural alignment on the overarching goal of improving student learning.However,the U.S.framework and assessment will need to be modified to reflect the Chinese reform priorities that emphasize the balance between academic and social learning.
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期84-94,共11页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 以学习为中心的校长领导 中国学校 适用性 Learning-centered principal leadership Chinese schools viability
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