配电线载波通信以其安装简便、投资小、运行免费等优点,逐步成为城市配电自动化通信的重要通信方式。近年来,10 kV配电线屏蔽层载波通信一直是研究的热点。然而受制于城市10 kV配电线路改造的进度,配电线路出现大量屏蔽层不完整、地埋电缆与架空线路相结合的混合线路。此类线路是否可以实现载波通信,也成为配电自动化通信建设的研究重点。文章选择2条典型的10 kV混合配电线路,对其电缆阻抗、噪声、传输衰耗特性进行测试与分析。测试结果表明,采用卡接式电感耦合方式的混合配电线路可以作为载波通信的媒介,为城市配电自动化通信建设提供有效的解决方案。
Distribution line carrier communication with advantages of easy installation, low investment, operational cost free, has gradually become an important mean of distribution automation communication in urban areas. Distribution line carrier communication using 10 kV shielding cable tends to be a key research area in recent years. However, with the progress restriction of rebuilding 10 kV distribution lines, a large number of hybrid distribution lines with incomplete shielding layer, is made up of underground cables and overhead lines. Whether it can achieve carrier communication has become a focus in distribution automation communication. This paper takes two typical 10kV hybrid distribution lines as an example to test and analyze their transmission characteristics of line impedance, noise, transmission attenuation. The results indicate that the 10 kV hybrid distribution line using non-intrusive inductive coupler can .be applied to carrier communication, giving an effective solution for urban distribution automation construction.
Telecommunications for Electric Power System
hybrid distribution line
distribution line carrier
transmission characteristics
distribution automation
non-in-trusive inductive coupler