
感染牛布鲁菌544A的巨噬细胞蛋白质组学分析 被引量:2

Proteomics Analysis on Brucella544A Infected Macrophage
摘要 布鲁菌在巨噬细胞内寄生改变了巨噬细胞的很多结构和功能,对牛布鲁菌强毒株544A感染的巨噬细胞和未感染的巨噬细胞全细胞蛋白进行比较蛋白质组学分析,质谱鉴定和生物学信息检索,结果显示,共有13个差异蛋白点,代表了12种蛋白质,这些蛋白主要参与细胞的代谢,细胞骨架合成,蛋白损伤修复以及基因的转录调控等生物过程。这些蛋白的发现将为进一步研究布鲁菌的感染与致病机制提示方向,同时也为深入探讨病原菌与宿主的相互作用模式奠定了基础。 Many systems and functions of the macrophages have been changed for the brucellae ’ s parasitization and replication.In this study,the comparative proteomics research was conducted to analyze the whole cellular proteins different-expressed between Brucella-infected with non-infected mouse macrophages.The results of mass spectral identification and bioinformation retrieval showed that 13difference protein dots were identified and 12different proteins were represented,which participated in the metabolism,cytoskeleton composition,the protein repairing and gene transcriptional control of macrophages.The results provide insight into the changed global protein patterns of mouse macrophages after infection as well as a comprehensive foundation to further study of host and bacterial interaction.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期47-51,共5页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家转基因新品种培育重大项目(2009zx08009-163B)
关键词 布鲁菌 小鼠巨噬细胞 比较蛋白质组学 双向电泳 质谱鉴定 Brucella mouse macrophage comparative proteomics two-dimensional gel electrophoresis mass spectrometry
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