
厦门市18岁及以上人群自杀未遂流行病学调查 被引量:13

Attempters suicide in people aged 18 and older in Xiamen City
摘要 目的:了解厦门市自杀未遂的流行病学特征及相关因素。方法:采用2010年5月至2010年11月厦门市精神卫生流行病学调查样本,调查18岁及以上厦门市常住人口的自杀未遂发生情况。共调查12051人,回收有效应答问卷10758份。采用扩展的一般健康问卷(GHQ-12)量表作为筛查量表,修订的DSM-IV-TR轴I障碍定式临床检查(SCID-I/P)病人版作为诊断工具。结果:本样本的自杀未遂发生率为0.55%;农村发生率高于城市(0.82%vs.0.47%,P<0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析显示:经常性参与赌博(OR=3.18)、精神障碍(OR=2.64)、因精神或心理问题住过院(OR=5.13)是自杀未遂的危险因素。自杀的最主要方式为"采用工具"(42.4%),工具来源主要为"放在家里"(61.1%),自杀最主要的原因为"家庭纠纷"(45.8%),自杀最主要的目的是"为了解脱痛苦"(64.4%)。结论:本研究显示农村自杀未遂的发生率高于城市,经常性参与赌博、精神障碍和因精神或心理问题住过院是自杀未遂主要的危险因素。 Objective: To explore the prevalence and related factors of attempted suicide in Xiamen City. Methods: The sample was from the mental health survey of Xiamen city which was conducted from May 2010 to November 2010. Totally 12051 persons aged 18 years and older were investigated and 10758 persons com- pleted the survey. An expanded version of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) was administered to screen all par- ticipants and the Chinese translation of Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis I Disorders (SCID) was used to assess psychiatric disorders. Results: The prevalence of attempted suicide was 0. 55%, higher in rural popu- lation than in urban population (0. 82% vs. 0. 47%, P 〈 0. 05). Logistic analysis showed that risk factors of attemp- ted suicide were regular gambling (OR = 3.18), mental illness (OR = 2. 64), and hospitalization history for psycho- logical problems (OR = 5.13). Most of suicide attempters used the tool (42.4%), and the most of drugs or tool sources were stored at home (61.1%). The main reason of attempted suicide was "family feuds"(45.8% ), and the main aim was to "get rid of suffering" (64. 4% ). Conclusion: It suggests that the prevalence of attempted suicide is higher in rural population than in urban population, and regular gambling, mental illness and hospitalization histo- ry for psychological problems may be risk factors for attempted suicide.
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期332-336,共5页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
关键词 自杀未遂 厦门市 现况调查 attempted suicide Xiamen City cross-sectional studies
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